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Student Case Studies

Student projects for National Retail Federation, Fashion Scholarship Fund, L'Oréal, Nordstrom, and Dick's Sporting Goods

National Retail Federation Student Challenge | Fall 2022

The NRF competition provides undergraduates with real-world experience in creating business strategies.

My team formed a strategy for Public Lands, a new outdoor specialty retail concept with a unique and inclusive mission. We developed a growth strategy as Public Lands looks to expand its reach into new US markets. This case centers around strategically picking new markets for Public Lands to expand to, creating a launch strategy for the highest priority market.

As the team leader, I was responsible for delegating meeting times, activation ideation, forming sales goals, writing copy, video script, and consumer/market research

Awards: 2nd Place Nationally

Team Members: Juan O., Alexis K., and Aleesa W.


National Retail Federation Next Generation Scholar | Summer 2022

The NRF Next Generation Scholarship case study tasks students of various academic backgrounds who have demonstrated leadership skills, previous retail experience, and a passion for making an impact.

I developed a children’s gender-neutral line for Nordstrom that fostered cultural awareness, all while reducing the company’s carbon footprint.

I took on the role as President of Nordstrom Product Group (NPG). My objective was to create a Nordstrom Made brand with a purpose. I aimed to reduce Nordstrom’s carbon footprint through responsible sourcing: materials (product and packaging), manufacturing (production and sourcing), and supply chain. I used marked data to construct social media strategies to create positive customer experiences.

Awards: Individual Top 25 Semi-Finalist in the Nation


Fashion Scholarship Fund | Spring 2022

The annual FSF Case Study Scholarship is an in-depth student challenge that focuses on real issues facing the fashion industry today.

I developed a Marketing Plan for Ralph Lauren that embraces a circular economy while balancing digitalization. I focused on building brand loyalty while utilizing emerging digital technologies.

I played the role of Chief Marketing Officer. As CMO it was my responsibility to develop strategies to build brand loyalty with customers, use analytics to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities, and track customer retention. My overarching goal was to drive return on investment through customer acquisition and retention.

Awards: 2023 FSF Scholar


L'Oreal Brandstorm | Spring 2022

The L’Oréal Brandstorm is an annual competition that tasks students from around the globe to develop creative solutions, for one of L’Oréal’s 36 international brands.

My group conceptualized a gender-neutral nail polish line, for Essie, with new beauty products and services that would help L’Oréal go further in terms of inclusivity.

In the group I was responsible for writing copy, designing the pitch deck, creating visuals, managing timelines, determining KPIs, consumer research, and editing video script.

Team Members: Nory C. and Marissa T.

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